University Graduates in Germany

How many degrees are awarded at higher education institutions in Germany each year?

According to the Federal Statistical Office, a total of 501,925 degrees were awarded at German higher education institutions in 2023. Of these, 48.5 per cent were Bachelor’s degrees, 29.2 per cent Master’s degrees, 9.5 per cent teacher training examinations, 5.9 per cent further university degrees (e.g. Diploma, State Exam, excluding teacher training), 5.3 per cent doctorates and 1.6 per cent further degrees from universities of applied sciences (UAS). In 2023, the overall proportion of female graduates was 52.8 per cent.

The Federal Statistical Office publishes annual figures on degrees at German universities in its series Examinations at Universities (Prüfungen an Hochschulen). Some selected results are presented and categorised below.

The following chart shows the development of degrees in Germany over time from 2016 to 2023. The total number of degrees fluctuates continuously around 500,000. A particularly low number of degrees can be seen for the examination year 2020, which affects both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, but also doctorates and teacher training examinations. The slump can possibly be explained by the coronavirus pandemic and the associated restrictions in teaching and existing uncertainties. In the following year, 2021, on the other hand, there is an opposite effect with a particularly high number of degrees.

How high is the proportion of female university graduates in Germany?

The proportion of female graduates in Germany differs significantly depending on the type of degree. As the following figure illustrates, the proportion of women in the examination year 2023 was particularly high for teacher training examinations (73.8 %). The proportion of women is also over 50 per cent for further university degrees and Bachelor's degrees. In contrast, the proportion of women is currently still below 50 per cent for futher degrees from universities of applied sciences, Master's degrees and doctorates. Compared to the 2016 examination year, there is a clear trend towards a higher proportion of women for all degree types.